Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Finished Sonic 4

Gonna start off by saying Sonic 4 was a disappointment.The gameplay just isn't that good when you look at it. But Lets compare sonic 2 to sonic 4.
Sonic 2
  • Emerald Hill Zone, 2 Acts
  • Chemical Plant Zone, 2 Acts
  • Aquatic Ruin Zone, 2 Acts
  • Casino Night Zone, 2 Acts
  • Hill Top Zone, 2 Acts
  • Mystic Cave Zone, 2 Acts
  • Oil Ocean Zone, 2 Acts
  • Metropolis Zone, 3 Acts
  • Sky Chase Zone, 1 Act
  • Wing Fortress Zone, 1 Act
  • Death Egg Zone 1 Act 
  • Total Acts =  20. Which are played out over a variety of landscapes and settings
Sonic 4
  • Splash Hill Zone, 3 Acts
  • Casino Street Zone, 3 Acts
  • Lost Labyrinth Zone, 3 Acts
  • Mad Gear Zone Zone, 3 Acts
  • E.G.G Station  Zone, 1 Acts
  • Total Acts = 13. Which are played out on levels that resemble the levels from old games. Nothing new other then the level layout
All the sonic 4 monsters and bosses are reused from previous games. 15$ for this? Really? There is no challenge also. You don't need to play through 12 acts and be careful. You can chose which level you play at any time. Where's the challenge? Also the physics are weird. Sonic can be walking really slow and go up a vertical wall, but doing his signature down rolling spin will not prove effective at all. 15$ for a lame new game (read rehash), with nothing new to present, a quick first playthrough, with zero desire to replay the game to get the chaos emeralds, just doesn't fly. I think this image I put together in MSPaint in under a minute will make some sense

I finished Dead Rising 2 also and will post when I have time. Time to eat dinner and play castlevania! Or watch TV.

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Dead Rising 2 Progress and Sonic 4

    I've been playing a lot of DR2 recently and just picked up Sonic 4 yesterday.

    I failed my first play through by completing an objective right in the nick of time, only to find out there's a second part. Sigh. My second play through is going very well. Taking up to 7 survivors back to the base at is pretty cool. Also doing more missions that I missed the first time around. Still like this game. Difficulty is wavering though. Some psychopaths are hard, like the chef. And others are just easier. The chef was a lot easier to manage on my second play through. Especially since I knew how to take him down.

    Still a very enjoyable game. Especially when you want to kill some zombies.... and right a kid's tricycle....

    Moving on, I also shelled out the 14.99 to purchase Sonic 4. It seems pretty much like the old games (2,3). Which is what I think a lot of fans wanted from the series. I only played a little bit of the first level before I retired for the evening. Hope to play a little more between zombie killing and bed sleeping. Time to cook dinner! I'm thinking something involving chicken.

    Monday, October 11, 2010


    are cutting into my game time. Work all week. chores on the weekend. No time for me! Game update later today.

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    Minecraft Halloween Update!

    So this is what Notch is tempting us with for the next update.
    I am somewhat excited. I have been playing Minecraft for a while now with my wife and friends but its getting old fast, especially with the lack of updates. Anyone else play minecraft and are looking forward to this update?

    Also finished Professor layton and the unwound future earlier this week! Pretty good game. Puzzles were still a tad on the easy side. The story twists at the end and definitely was enjoyable. Looking forward for the forth game, whenever that comes out.

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Picked up 3 games recently!

    So, Picked up Dead Rising 2 and Castlevania on their release dates, and Katamari on Amazon because its on sale (usually around 60 but it was 25!). Anyway, I'm getting into Dead Rising first. Killing zombies is turning out to be great fun. I never played the first one, but I am liking it so far. Especially the janitors trash bin...

    Running over zombies with that just makes my day. Hopefully I can get farther into Dead Rising 2 this long weekend!

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Managed to free up some time between work..

    and videogames... It wasn't easy! I will be updating my blog daily again! Please check in and I will try to keep you entertained!

    Saturday, September 25, 2010

    Blog on hold for a little while

    Too busy. Won't have time to check this and my followers daily. Please forgive me. I will update everyone when I have more time to do this.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010

    Professor Layton and the Unwound Future!

    I recently picked up this game for my blue DSi XL my wife got for me and I love it.
    I have fully played the other games and found them to be amazing as well.
    I would say I am about half way through and the puzzles can be a bit tough. The gameplay is more or less the same from the previous versions. Animation is great, especially with Layton shooting mobsters with a slot machine gun. Will update more about Layton later. Time to visit my followers and then go to bed. Work in the morning!
    Solve more puzzles!

    At work :(

    Stuck at work. Sigh,
    Will update blog and check out my friends blogs when I return home!

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Minecraft free! Try it out, you wont be disappointed!

    Minecraft Is Free Until It Gets Fixed
    Minecraft, the indie hit for PC whose popularity has gone meteoric of late, has found its servers overwhelmed. Playing the game isn't affected by the trouble, however. As such, its creator has declared it "free-to-play" until he can restore order.
    Per a barebones page on the Minecraft page, Markus Persson, aka "Notch," says that "Minecraft got way too popular for this humble server. I've had to disable everything fancy to even get it to run."
    Presently, registering an account, buying the game and user verification for online servers are all inactive. But playing the game and player skins still work.
    "Until this all gets sorted out, I'm officially calling a 'free-to-play weekend,' or however long this will take to fix," says Notch. "You will need to have a paid account to play it later on when this gets fixed though."
    The official page (linked below) has download links for Windows, MacOS and Linux-supported versions of Minecraft.

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    Playstation Move

    Everything I see about playstation move makes me want to get it. I have a wii also, but I don't know. Maybe I prefer ps3 more.
    The PlayStation Move works in conjunction with the PlayStations Eye camera to track the movement of the controller in the player's hand. The orb at the tip of the controller emits light that can easily be tracked via the camera, while the orb's particular shape and size help facilitate distance calculations. In layman's terms, the PlayStation Eye can determine how far away the orb is by gauging its relative size.
    The Move also contains a pair of inertial sensors that allow the controller to sense motion and rotation.

    The cost of the PlayStation Move depends on what equipment you already possess. We'll be using North American pricing for this guide. International pricing may vary.
    If you do not own a PlayStation 3, then you'll want to pick up the PlayStation 3 Sports Champions Move Bundle, which includes a PlayStation 3 console, a PlayStation Move controller, the PlayStation Eye camera, and a copy of the Move game Sports Champions. Retail price is $399.99.
    If you already own a PlayStation 3 but nothing else, you'll need the PlayStation Move Bundle. Retailing for $99.99, it includes the PlayStation Move controller, a PlayStation Eye camera, and a copy of Sports Champions.
    If you already own a PlayStation Eye, which was sold on its own as well as being packaged with the PlayStation 3 game Eye of Judgment, then all you will need is a PlayStation Move controller, which will run you $49.99.
    It bears noting that many Move games will require the PlayStation Move Navigation Controller, a wireless handheld device featuring several buttons and an analog thumb stick that costs $29.99. Note that you can use the normal PlayStation 3 controller as the Navigation Controller, though it's not optimal.

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    New SSF4 alternative costumes

    I for one love the street fighter series and cant get enough of the gameplay!
    How does everyone like the new outfits? >

    My favorites so far are,
    Cody's, M. Bison's, Sakura's, Chun-Li's, and Makoto's.
    I like playing as cammy.
    But not to thrilled about her new outfit. :S oh well.

    If anyone would ever want to play, shoot me your ps3 id.

    Minecraft is making me autistic!

    I just cant stop playing. Blocks everywhere. I love it. I can build whatever I want and explore for fun! The monsters can get annoying sometimes but those creepers are just love-able!

    New Blog!

    Hey everyone!
    This is my first blog. Hopefully everything works out. I will mostly be talking about video games, since this is what I am about!

    First post coming soon!